Thursday, November 09, 2006

Drug vs. Supplement Dangers

The marketing budget alone of the drug companies is 50% greater than the total retail sales for every vitamin, mineral, or herbal product sold in the United States. and:

If we put these statistics into monetary figures it is estimated that the cost of drug-related illness and mortality is likely now over $200 billion annually. To put this dollar amount into perspective this amount is more than the total cost of treating diabetes or heart disease in the United States...

It amazes me that adverse reactions (ADRs) to prescription drugs are estimated to kill over 106,000 Americans every year (These sobering statistics do not include the number of ADRs that occur outside the hospital or the estimated 350,000 ADRs that occur in U.S. nursing homes each year, yet all it seems that the media is interested in is inaccurately portraying the dietary supplement industry as dangerous and "unregulated." I think a little perspective is in order.......

First, more people are being placed on drugs than ever before. For example, roughly 4 billion prescriptions were filled last year. That is about 12 prescriptions for every person in the United States.

Second, more and more people are being placed on a combination of drugs - many times to deal with side effects caused by some of the other drugs. The rate of ADRs increases exponentially after a patient is on 4 or more medications.

Third, many of the newer drugs are more dangerous than older drugs. The FDA has approved many of these drugs without complete safety data. Drug companies can now pay a fee to speed up approval. Of the 548 new drugs approved by the FDA from 1975-1999, 56 of these (10%) were given a new black box warning because of severe ADRs or were withdrawn from the market because of reports of deaths.

Lastly, the majority of health complaints patients see doctors for owe their origin to dietary and lifestyle factors.

Trying to treat the symptoms with a drug (a biochemical band-aid) fails to address the underlying cause and leads to side effects as a result..... the marketing budget alone of the drug companies is 50% greater than the total retail sales for every vitamin, mineral, or herbal product sold in the United States through any channel of trade.

Direct to consumer advertising is estimated to have increased the number of prescriptions last year by nearly 30 million.

As an example of the power of direct to consumer advertising, the sexual potency drug, Viagra, can probably serve as the poster child. Within a few months of its introduction, several million men began taking Viagra, and many serious side effects, including fatalities, suddenly appeared."
A range of commonly prescribed drugs including antibiotics may be responsible for around 15,000 sudden deaths each year in Europe and the United States, researchers claim.

The drugs interfere with electrical activity controlling the heartbeat. A study in the Netherlands found they were associated with a three-fold increased risk of sudden death due to cardiac arrest. Medical system is leading cause of death and injury in the United States.

This is why I have been on a passionate crusade for 25 years to help you understand that you must take the state of your health into your own hands.

I am NOT saying... do not go to doctors when needed.

I am saying to take charge of what you put into your body so your immune system will take care of you.

I spent 43 years dreading every day. Taking untold amounts of drugs and then fearing the dangerous side effects they would cause.

Please do your due diligence and research each and every drug you are taking or about to take.

Our bodies are lacking nutrition, minerals and vitamins, not drugs.

Dr. Linus Pauling stated, “Every ailment, every sickness and every disease can be traced to a mineral deficiency... and can be reversed by using the proper mineral and vitamin supplements.”

I am here to help you, help yourself, enjoy a Vibrant Life.

Take The FREE Video Tour Now!

Best of Health,

Margie Garrison

My life is dedicated to bringing you ways and means to do this. And because I have been taking these particular supplements for over 13 months I want you to be fully aware of them and what they are.

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